
方式1:$  这种方式,简单,但是无法防止SQL注入,所以不推荐使用

    LIKE  '%${name}%'


    LIKE "%"#{name}"%"

有兴趣的可以看一下:Mybatis 中#{} 和${}区别


AND name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT('%',#{name},'%'))


  1. <select id="searchStudents" resultType="com.example.entity.StudentEntity"
  2. parameterType="com.example.entity.StudentEntity">
  3. <bind name="pattern1" value="'%' + _parameter.name + '%'" />
  4. <bind name="pattern2" value="'%' + _parameter.address + '%'" />
  5. SELECT * FROM test_student
  6. <where>
  7. <if test="age != null and age != '' and compare != null and compare != ''">
  8. age
  9. ${compare}
  10. #{age}
  11. </if>
  12. <if test="name != null and name != ''">
  13. AND name LIKE #{pattern1}
  14. </if>
  15. <if test="address != null and address != ''">
  16. AND address LIKE #{pattern2}
  17. </if>
  18. </where>
  19. ORDER BY id
  20. </select>


param.setUsername("%CD%"); 在 java 代码中传参的时候直接写上

           <if test="username!=null"> AND username LIKE #{username}</if>

然后 mapper 里面直接写 #{} 就可以了